There are multiple ways to get a business or event listed on PasoRobles.com. Choose from one of the following options: a standard listing or enhanced listing, banner ad, or featured event.
Contact Deney ([email protected] [1]) at PasoRobles.com for pricing information.
An enhanced listing provides a company detail page with up to 3 images, customer rating, company descriptions, link to the company website and much more.
Enhanced Listing example:
A standard listing places your contact information and business name on PasoRobles.com for travelers and people to contact you.
Standard Listing example:
Adelaida Cellars 5805
Adelaida Road
Paso Robles, Ca 93446
Banner ad options are a great way to place your ad in specific locations of the website that target your business. Learn more [2]
The Featured Event image is displayed on the homepage with a link to further information in regards to the specific event. It will also include a link to the specific website for the event.
[1] mailto:[email protected]
[2] https://pasorobles.com/about-paso-robles/advertise/banner-ad-options