Old West meets Modern Day Wine Country...
El Paso de Robles, today known as Paso Robles, or simply "Paso" by locals, gets its name from the ubiquitous oak trees in the area - "the pass of the oaks." Here in Paso Robles CA, you'll find the rich history of the spirit of the Old West and the and fine living and dining in the natural beauty of Central California.
Experience everything that makes Paso Robles a special place for residents and visitors alike. The hot springs running under the city made Paso Robles, California a destination for travelers journeying west. A few hundred years later, although the hot springs are still easing away the stress of travel and every day life, Paso Robles has put itself on the wine map of the world. Central California is fast becoming the new Napa Valley and Paso Robles hosts thousands of wine enthusiasts each year for wine festivals, vineyard caravans and tours, wine tasting or to holding a special event in the vineyards.
Paso Robles is about 24 miles east of the Pacific Ocean, nestled along the Salinas River in the Santa Lucia Coastal Mountain Range of central California. Besides its location to the ocean, its valleys, rolling hills and varied elevation gives Paso Robles the perfect climate for grapes and wine-making. Temperatures range between 80 and over 100 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and drop to 40 to 60 degrees at night; the fluctuation is one of the key factors area wine makers site in the resulting varietal character found only in grapes grown in this area. Paso Robles has been at the center of grape-growing since the late 1700s and today boasts nearly 200 wineries over more than 26,000 acres of vineyards on which about 40 varietals of wine grow.
Culture and heritage are celebrated in style in Paso Robles. The community's early western history is reflected in the beautiful Victorian homes, Old West Downtown, weekend celebrations and historical museums year round. Be sure to relive a bit of early California and enjoy the healing hot springs or plan a trip in the summer for the California Mid-State Fair.
We feature the best of Paso Robles - from the many excellent vineyards and olive orchards, to the festivals celebrating wine, olives and beer, to charming Downtown City Park with boutiques, shops, wine and olive tasting rooms, upscale restaurants featuring locally-grown produce, to event and trip planning, golf vacations, camping and family fun, you'll find it all here.
City of Paso Robles - www.prcity.com
City of Paso Robles Library - www.prcity.com/government/departments/library
California Mid-State Fair - www.midstatefair.com/
Paso Robles Chamber of Commerce - www.pasorobleschamber.com
Paso Robles Wine Country Alliance - www.pasowine.com
Paso Robles Olive Festival - http://www.pasoroblesolivefestival.com/
Main Street Association-Downtown - www.pasoroblesdowntown.org